When you learn a new language, there are lots of unusual sounds your mouth isn’t used to making. They simply need to be enthusiastic! Improving English pronunciation Ask other family members to join in when your child sings at home. It creates a safe space for children to practise expressing themselves aloud. Some children find it hard to speak English because they are shy or lack confidence. Remember, they don’t have to get it perfect straight away! It’s actually more effective to repeat regularly.When they’re ready, try singing along without looking at the lyrics.Listen to the song and read the lyrics at the same time.Look up any unknown words in a dictionary. For example, Sing and Learn is great for younger children. Find the song lyrics online, or find a music video with subtitles.So help your child with these easy steps: Singing along can be challenging, even for native speakers. It helps us learn how words are linked together in connected speech. Singing is great for learning the rhythm of a language. English learning activities – practising speaking and pronunciation For example, the English in pop songs probably wouldn’t be right in formal writing. It’s important to understand that English is used differently in different situations. Remind your child that pop songs sometimes use informal, everyday language. If your child is interested in a song, they will be determined to understand it. For example: numbers (‘ Ten in the bed’), animals (‘ Old MacDonald had a farm’), colours (‘ I can sing a rainbow’), weather (‘ Incy wincy spider’), vehicles (‘ The wheels on the bus’), left and right (‘ You put your right mitten in’), actions (‘ If you’re happy and you know it’), materials (‘ This is the way we lay the bricks’).įor teenagers, learning through songs is a great opportunity to combine their interests and learning the language. They can practise lots of different vocabulary.

Your child could also try singing along to nursery rhymes. The Sing and Learn videos from Cambridge English are an ideal way to learn, remember and use new language. This makes it easier for children to learn new words and start singing along.